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Dark Triad Narcissistic Personality

4 Types of Narcissism and its Pattern of Abuse

Are you the one who is constantly questioning your self worth, became mentally abused, felt unloved in a relationship, or got blamed for nothing? There are high chances of constant exposure to a narcissistic person with you. Here is why   Among people around us who follow their own life developing their personalities, there are people with personalities who are intentionally bound to harm others and their lives. Possessing this personality is known as a Dark Triad personality. The most common dark triad personality is narcissism and people who are diagnosed by it, follow a certain dark triad narcissistic personality pattern to hurt others. According to google trends, the term “narcissist” has been widely searched across the world for the past 10 years. This indicates the growth of narcissism in society. Types of Dark Triads   There are three types of disordered personalities that fall under the dark triad category. They are Narcissism Machiavellian Psychopathy A person who has a psychopathy disorder cannot control their emotions in hurting others. Meanwhile, Narcissism and Machiavellian diagnosed people are consciously hurt and manipulate others with intention. And that is why it is difficult to identify them in society.    People often misunderstand these disorders with stress, anxiety, and depression in lack of knowledge about these traits. Specifically, narcissistic traits are proliferating within people nowadays. So, awareness must be created about this dark triad narcissistic personality and its patterns    What does narcissism mean?   Narcissism is a term mentioning people who have similar traits from a mental disorder named narcissistic personality disorder (NPD). A person with a narcissistic personality disorder possesses high self-esteem, lack of empathy, and a grandiose sense of entitlement who seek constant validation and respect by controlling others.   Narcissists have traits of both Machiavellian and Psychopathy that include manipulation, self pride, and intention to hurt others. However, they are not psychopaths who cannot control their emotions. Narcissistic people can control their emotions and also feel guilt and shame while being malignant.   How to diagnose a narcissist person?   In 1988, Robert Raskin and Howard Terry had modulated an evaluation with sets of questions based on the statistical manual of mental disorders named Narcissistic Personality Inventory (NPI -40). The suspect who scores above 21-40 claimed to have more narcissistic traits such as high entitlement, exploitativeness, and more intentional binding characteristics.   Contrarily, a person with a low-end score of 3-10 NPI had been found to have very low self-esteem with high depression and anxiety. And the people who scored from 11-17 were considered to have a moderate personality.   What are the 4 main types of Narcissism?   Psychologists had analyzed the personality of narcissists and found that there are some differences in their traits. According to that, they classified several types of narcissists. The major 4 types of narcissistic personality almost comprise other variants. They are Grandiose Narcissist: High sense of entitlement and control Malignant Narcissist: Violent and deranged in nature Covert Narcissist: Hideous and covertly hurtful Communal Narcissist: Deceitful and act trustworthy Grandiose Narcissist: “High sense of entitlement and control ”   Grandiose Narcissists reportedly have high self esteem combined with a high desire for entitlement and control. People with this personality are always self centered and seek to be a leader of a group. A narcissist with grandiose traits often transpires to be a leader, politician, or primary person in a family.   The desire for power to control others life is itself that drives them to attain such places. They are always appreciated for their courage, boldness, and leadership skills. In lack of constant respect and admiration, they exploit others and attain control.   According to scholars, research says that grandiose narcissists can easily create a large organization or company as they are good risk-takers. However, they tend to fail at authorization by objectifying the employees or engaging in malicious activities for the business.   Do give a read: How do Narcissists achieve success quicker but not long-lasting?   Malignant Narcissist: “Violent and deranged in nature”   Malignant narcissists are found to carry more dark triads than other narcissistic variations. They are relevant to psychopathy at times, although their acts are intentionally bound. Malignant narcissists are extremely harmful with bloated self pride. They possess no morals in their act and manipulate situations to their needs.   Those who were diagnosed with malignant narcissism were fragile to criticism and cannot take the blame. Instead, their high self-esteem behavior tends to blame others for their inability to regulate themselves. Also, these people fantasize about power, success, and intellect over others. When their fantasy looks to be sliding down, they act by whatever means to achieve it.   To do that, they show no empathy and intentionally hurt others to gain superiority. Malignant narcissists have high insecurity and will find ways to hide them as they are afraid of getting exposed.   Covert Narcissism: “Hideous and covertly hurtful”   Covert narcissism also known as vulnerable narcissism does not have more self importance like other narcissistic traits. However, covert narcissists lack self confidence, self worth and seek ceaseless validation from their partners. Covert narcissists are tough to diagnose as they manipulate the partner or victim to get validation by portraying themselves as a weak persona.   In lack of validation, the narcissists intend to covertly abuse and blame shift their partners for their miserable lives. This is why covert narcissists are poor at having healthy relationships. In seek of attention and assurance, they look out for other people than their partners. As a result, covert narcissists lie, cheat and abuse their partners.  Communal Narcissists: “Deceitful and act trustworthy”   Communal narcissists use communal ways such as being mutual, cooperative, and trustworthy to gain an advantage over others. As grandiose narcissists, they expect high entitlement but in the form of providing face accompanying and support. Communal narcissists anticipate being an organizer or the reason to organize things in a group.   Communal narcissists boast themselves as “I’m a good…

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Banner of New year 2022

21 New Year Resolutions that make you a better person in 2022

A New year’s resolution is the goals, dreams, habits, and relationships that you fix at the beginning of the year to achieve by the end of the year. It can be either one or more resolutions, yet it will always be the one to make yourself better than the previous year. So, why not stick to it sincerely?   People always look for creative and unique new year resolutions to try on every year. However, they mostly end up having a fitness goal and fail in it. Wasn’t that funny? You want yourself to be better but couldn’t achieve it. This is because changes cannot happen quickly, it takes time and patience.   Firstly, you must understand that you have a year. Despite that, if you push yourself hard on your first day, you are going to lose interest quicker. You must start anything from a bare minimum, practice daily, improve constantly and reach your target. Even if you did not achieve to the fullest, the result of your new year resolution’s intention will satisfy you. The best thing about these new year resolutions is that they make you change in a year for good. It may be your appearance, physical health, mental health, achievements, etc. Changes are always good if the intentions are good. Thus, achieving these changes directly changes your personality for good too. So, here are some unique and common new year resolutions that will make you into a better person for next year. Read it and comment on what your new year’s resolutions are for this year. 1. Stop Regretting If you fail at something before and you wish you had done that differently, then you will regret that situation. Regretting catches your soul at that instance and does not allow you to grow further. So, instead of regretting such situations, try to understand what you have learned from them. Try to avoid those mistakes again and move on to face the future ahead.   2. Show Empathy Empathy is the ability to care for others by understanding their emotions. Any random act of kindness to someone, dogs, or anything will develop your empathy. Start using comforting words, help people economically, buy food or anything that shows your care for others this year. 3. Avoid Dramas To have mental stability this year, do not create a drama to get validation or kindly avoid intaking the dramas of others. Dramas make you overreact and overthink situations. If you ingest others’ drama, you will start comparing your situations and their consequences with theirs. Thus, your mental stability will break. 4. Do not Procrastinate Procrastinating work shouldn’t be the one trait for you this year. Yes, it is a personality trait. According to research done by the Institute of Research and Journals, procrastinating things is a sign of lacking conscientiousness. Since, no one procrastinates things actively, i.e., shifting things to do better things, it always ends up slowing you down. When procrastination becomes a habit, your life will lag behind. 5. No more Gossips Gossips can be truly hurtful. For people who ask, how can gossip be harmful? Gossips contain either a fact or a fake about a situation that triggers people. If the information came to be false, the victim may suffer the greatest. The victim may be you or others whose information is passed out through gossip. Once someone is affected by gossips, both their reputation and trust in others might get demolished So, if you find any information is misleading, choose not to forward others. 6. Socialize more People have adapted themselves into an introvert after the past pandemic times. As the situation changes, people are struggling to become extroverts. Studies show that introverts are depressed and are less happy. Meanwhile, extroverts are much joyful in their life. To socialize, try to feel less awkward talking to others, try to present your point of view in a conversation, and mix decent humor in it. Socializing helps to understand people’s thoughts and emotions. If you are depressed and stressing over something, socializing with people you trust and venting to them can greatly help to reduce your stress 7. Apologize for your mistakes From this year onwards, try to apologize for every mistake you make that hurts others. Do not try to hide those mistakes by ignoring or lying about them. It will ruin your righteous personality as you will start to ask for validation from others for reasoning your mistakes. Instead, accept your mistakes and say sorry, whoever it may be. Doing this will develop trust and mostly would not ruin a friendship. 8. Stopping pleading to Others In any case, if you are being accused of a mistake you have never done, do not apologize for it. Even if the accuser is the person, you love the most, apologizing for nothing degrades your self-confidence and Self-love. Also, never please anyone for nothing. If a person makes you plead, they don’t love you. Pleading others will pave out the opportunity for people to take control over you. 9. Focusing on Goals instead of persons. People who are obsessed with gaining friends and relationships tend to move slower in their goal pursuit. So, focus on your dream or career more. Gather people who also support your dreams and have a goal for themselves. In this way, you can have both growth and people at the same time along with them. 10. Acknowledging yourself This is a crucial resolution that everyone must take in this new year. If you are a hardworking person, a quick acknowledgment from anybody will always motivate you. But very few acknowledge others’ hard work. This might hurt us, minimize our willpower, and confidence to strive more but keep in mind that you work hard for your life. The first person who acknowledges you must be yourself. It just does not end with hard work alone, constantly keep acknowledging yourself when you help others, give kind words, achieve a little goal, or for any small thing…

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Personality development for kids

Importance of Introducing Personality Development for kids

Humans are getting modernized day by day, which greatly impacted the culture, education, personalities, and lifestyle of the current generation. These impacts have to be commonly faced by the present young generation, so-called Gen-Z.   Among these young ones who are facing these changes, one of them may be your kid. Without a basic education and personality development skill, adapting to these pacing changes may be tough. So, this article will help you to delve into the importance of Personality development for kids and teach efficiently.   To understand the essentials and the ways to teach personality development to kids, you must have a clear understanding of it in the first place. What is Personality development? Personality development is shaping and enriching one’s character, habits, and talents to have a fully bloomed personality in time. This is achieved through education, parenting, and training courses. A person who inherited personality development activities tends to be more virtuous and wiser. Why is personality development important in today’s life? Today’s world is more complicated than in earlier days. Everyone is having their daily life facing many hurdles on their way. The hurdles keep on changing and have become more challenging. You may find the lifestyle of this modern age is difficult, but it isn’t. With your personality development and soft skills, you can evade any hurdles that you face in your life with ease. What will happen in lack of Personality development? The personality of a person defines his/her life, his skills, friends, etc. Good people always get attracted to one who has a good personality. Without a quality personality, self-development and achieving goals are not possible. You cannot segregate your strengths and weaknesses. Also, you may lack decision-making and other soft skills in absence of personality development.  In terms of mental health, a person can experience stress, anxiety, depression, and also even existential crisis without a standard personality. He/ she cannot bear the difficulties they face in their life. So, having a good personality results in a healthy mindset. What are the big five personality traits? According to research, it is found that people’s attributes can be categorized into five big traits. They are, Extraversion Agreeableness Conscientiousness Emotional Stability Openness to experience Extraversion- A person with an extraversion personality is liable to be dominant, more energetic, and optimistic especially in social interactions. Agreeableness- Agreeableness personality people possess a helping tendency, a gentle approach, and being peaceful in nature. They wish to maintain a healthy and attached relationship. Conscientiousness- People with conscientious personalities are found to be more responsible with good organizing quality. They have a highly guarded mindset with controlled behavior and are also mindful of their actions. Emotional Stability- An emotionally stable person can adapt to any circumstances and is found to deal with anger issues or any other negative emotional situations. Openness to experience- A person with an openness to experience personality is always eager to learn new things. Also, they were found to be highly intellectual with immense curiosity and creativity.  Wrapping up the overview of personality development and diving more into the content. Why personality development must be introduced at a young age? Nobody in this world possesses a personality by birth. There are chances of transferring certain traits through genetics, but they are indeed changeable. The young generation so-called Gen- Z falls under the age gap of 9 – 24 years. During the Gen-Z period, kids experience various hormonal changes resulting in experiencing different types of emotions. So, Personality development has to be introduced to kids to shape their emotions and changes to be productive in their teenage years.  On the other factor, introducing soft skills and personality development at a young age is easier than teaching for an adult. Adults have a built-up personality that may be hard to alter even through training or therapies.  In addition to that, during teenage, kids who have undergone personality development deal with their romantic relationships much healthier. On the other hand, in lacking quality personality, relationships might always be trouble.  How personality development helps the education of the kids? Introducing personality development to your child helps to achieve certain soft skills such as ●       Creative Thinking ●       Interpersonal skills ●       Self-confidence ●       Self-motivation ●       Problem-solving ●       Decision making ●       Leadership ●       Empathy ●       Management ●       Teamwork, etc. Implementing these soft skills is itself a road to success. Considering these skills, interpersonal skills include language fluency, public speaking, reading, presentation skills, and group discussion. With these qualities, your kid will be able to bypass any interactive exams with fewer difficulties.   With the management skills, your kid can achieve time management as well as handle emotions such as stress and anger. This helps your child to be focused and learn quicker. By introducing your kid to Self-confidence and self-motivation through personality development, the kid has sufficient self-esteem and courage to face the exams. Also, these kids proved to have lesser stage fear.  How Personality development assists the future of the kids? Having a developed personality not alone helps your kid’s education, but also sets the pillar of the child’s life. People attract or hold back at people by judging their personalities. Thus, the lessons which are imprinted in the personality of children will always be supportive.  Your kid might experience all these circumstances in the lifetime, ●       Relationships ●       Jobs ●       Dreams ●       Travel ●       Parenting, etc. To have a thriving life in all these phases, an upright personality development must have been introduced at a young age. Achieving dreams and career Firstly, the induced self-motivation and an optimistic character would always shoulder your kid when he/she wants a dream job or to achieve dreams. Then, the enriched creativity through personality development helps the way to achieve the goals.  Also, it ensures the personal growth of the kid during the life phases. Healthy Relationships When it comes to relationships, you can see there are very few long-term healthy relationships nowadays. Lack of personality development at a young age is the…

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Existential crisis Benefits

What are the benefits you get after an existential crisis?

Existential Crisis is a stage everyone goes through at certain points in their lives. This negative feeling may hit you at times when you are going through some hardships. In those times, your feelings may hike up and will lead you to overthink and question your existence. However, as a matter of perspective, overcoming this feeling has some benefits after an existential crisis. So, let’s look into this article to know more about them.   It is a dreadful feeling to have an existential crisis. It doesn’t come suddenly, you may experience it while all of your hardships get stacked up and thrown at a time. You will get highly stressed, depressed, and overthink too much. The existential crisis can be caused due to various factors. But at some point, you have to decide whether to get trapped in it or get out of it and gain some benefits after an existential crisis. Trapping in an existential crisis may lead to losing hope in life and raise suicidal thoughts to one. In another case, you can process through it and get rid of an existential crisis. Optimistically speaking, an existential crisis isn’t an illness or symptoms of anything. It is a phase everyone goes through in life. So, through processing, you can learn a lot from it. Learning helps to process and obtain these benefits after an existential crisis  1. Awareness of any situation The first benefit after an existential crisis is a golden one. If you have awareness of any situation you have been put in, you can easily escape or get through it. The only thing that gives you this much awareness is overthinking. As an overthinker, you can easily guess the possibilities of things that are about to happen.  Not only escape out from the situation, but you can also use the situation to your advantage. In such a way, you will be the smartest person in a crowd. Cheers! 2. Perspective Without a perspective for a statement, situation, or sequence of matters, you cannot come up with a judgment or a decision. Perspective comes in two ways, positive or negative. Even though optimistic thinking is a good thing, sometimes you have to think on both sides. You will only attain this benefit after an existential crisis. Some of you were never able to see the things that hurt you. In the case of Indian women, the factors that hurt them are either hidden or not been aware of. So, going through an existential crisis will help you to get your perspective straight and decide “Do and Don’ts”. 3. Decision Making Once you have gone through the existential crisis, a clear thought will arise and you will be ready to face things that are yet to come at you. And additionally, your improved decision-making skills after the existential crisis are going to help you. You cannot get over an existential crisis without deciding what to do in a situation. Thus, your ability to decide gets increases naturally after that.  You won’t always be a nice person, even if someone tries to humiliate you. Knowing the situation, you are able to decide and say “yes or no” straight at them. 4. Focusing the Priorities Commonly, one will always get mature to some extent. So, you will stop worrying about the things bothering you and act on them. This makes you prioritize things that matter and work for them. This is a benefit after an existential crisis that improves your life to a better one. If you prioritize your dream, job, family, etc., dedicate yourself to what you love.   In such a way, you won’t feel regretful or stressed about any situation. So, prioritize what you love and commit to it. Want to vent your experiences with someone? Register here and connect with a listener who wishes to lend you an ear. 5. Never Give Up When you start focusing on the priorities, all the above benefits you have attained after the existential crisis will provide you with enough willpower. You know that you will regret things and fall back into an existential crisis if you didn’t put in enough work. So, a never-give-up attitude grows up in you. You strive to achieve things rather than feeling now.  With this attitude, you also gain a strong dedication and determination to reach your goals. Conclusion To phrase it easily, the overall benefit you receive after an existential crisis is Growth. In the end, you will be mature enough to handle your hardships and struggles. Only optimistic thinkers can learn from the things they are going through and acquire the benefits. So, try to think positively always and share your knowledge and experiences with us while or after going through it.  FAQs Q1. Can an existential crisis be a good thing? Optimistically yes, you can learn certain things while going through an existential crisis and acquire some benefits from it. Q2. What are the benefits we get after an existential crisis? There are chances to get these benefits after an existential crisis, Awareness Perspective Decision making  Priorities Never Give up

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Define Existential crisis, effects, factors and ways to overcome it

An existential crisis can be defined as a dreadful feeling of one’s questioning themselves about the reason for their existence in this world. However, the existential crisis definition is a combination of many factors that are mentioned in this article.   This anguished feeling may be caused due to psychological trauma, separation, divorce, major loss, the death of a loved one, a life-threatening experience, psychoactive drug use, etc. You could have heard about this term from movies & memes as a joke and might not contemplate about that. However, it should be given attention to make people aware of this.     You can witness people say that “I’m depressed and caught in existential crisis after watching this movie/series” with a smirk on their faces as they are being proud of it. It isn’t simple as that. People who have gone through an existential crisis wouldn’t belittle this feeling and make fun of the definition “Existential Crisis“. They might have suffered and processed through it. Some people grasp the term existential crisis without a slight knowledge or experience of how it would feel like.  Certain people expose themselves as someone who is experiencing an existential crisis for trivial reasons. On contrary, it’s a bit serious issue that we should talk about, share, and bring awareness about it. One cannot state the existential crisis definition without considering its effects and causes. Effects and Cause   This is a crucial thing that we should bring to notice. An existential crisis could affect one’s mental health and state of being a good person. The major factor that causes you to experience an Existential crisis is Loneliness Lack of acknowledgment Trauma/ abuse Losing Hope   Loneliness   Existential crisis mostly grows in you when you are alone. Being lonely makes you overthink things and cause you to feel down heartened as things in this world doesn’t go along as you thought it would be. This may look like the world does not want you.   Lack of Acknowledgement   An existential crisis could happen when people inconsiderately avoid acknowledging us and value our presence. This gives us a stressful vibe that can’t be held for long. You may look high at others and lower yourself. In other words, your self-esteem and self-confidence become low. You feel disorientated and despised of yourself. Trauma or Abuse   In this society, finding personas who are disheartening, liars, cowards, narcissists, and non-empathetic have become common. You may feel useless and completely lost when people you love won’t value your opinion, disrespects you, leave you, hurt and try to manipulate you. The persons maybe your loved ones, friends, and even your parents that hurt you. Some could also have suffered from domestic violence. These cause traumatic experiences which then breeds trust issues within us. Then it will lead you to fall into the feeling of existential crisis. Want to vent your experiences with someone? Register here and connect with a listener who wishes to lend you an ear. Losing Hope   The main cause of experiencing the existential crisis is that you start losing what kept you going healthy and energetic throughout your life. You can lose feelings, confidence, self-love, energy, etc, but the main reason for one to catch an existential crisis is when one starts losing hope in others. As from the existential crisis definition, you will start to question your presence in this world once you lose hope. Hope is an inevitable thing that keeps our spirit up to have a social link with others. Hope gives you confidence, it is what makes us expect kind, care, and empathetic behaviors from others. Once we lose hope, we start to give up on people around us as they never show any kind of gratitude, love & care to us for what we have done for them. Rise and Shine   Each and Everyone here faces an existential crisis at some point in their lifetime. Some get lost in that and some come out with absolute clarity of what they went through in the past and the way the future is going to be. Certain people lose hope in their life, love, and everything. But we shouldn’t be like that, this life is a beautiful thing that is uncontrollable and filled with uncertainties, and people around you are a mixture of good, bad, and innocents. You can’t change people, they change if they wanted to. Not everyone can rid of toxic people but can resist them not interfere in your life by having boundaries around them. One must thoroughly understand the existential crisis definition to process it.   Ways to avoid an existential crisis   If you are experiencing an existential crisis, it must be a hard time for you. You can dazzle through these dark times by following certain things. Self-love Empathizing good people Socializing Self-love   Firstly, you can find self-love i.e., you should acknowledge yourself for your actions and be proud of what good deeds you had done. Once you attained self-love, you will be filled up with self-confidence and self-worth. You won’t seek attention, starve for acknowledgment or depend on others. Kindness   Secondly, Be kind to people. Yes, you have always been kind and ended up being here, but that doesn’t make being kind is wrong. This time, be kind to people only who are kind to others as well. That doesn’t mean you should be rude to toxic people. If you are being rude, It will be easy to gaslight you even if you’re reacting to their venomous behavior. So, ignoring and having boundaries around toxic people is the best way. Be kind to innocents like kids and other living beings. Have a pet or adopt one, it grows your empathy for others. Help people without any expectations. Carrying hatred and revenge against someone destroys your sanity, so forgive people who have done you wrong. But never forget what they have done to you. Ghost them if possible and never give…

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Indian omen must know

Important factors that Indian women must know

Women of India are majorly affected on a daily basis. It may be due to superstitious cultural restriction, women inequality, safety, education or whatsoever. In the amidst, Indian women also lose their mental stability due to countless reasons. There are certain things people do not want Indian women to know. So, they could gain control over women round-the-clock. But, if you know these 8 things, you could save sanity and mental peace for yourself.   Have you ever got stressed so much?. Even if you find ways to reduce your stress, are you bombarded with stress again and again by any means?. It feels like anxiety and depression were always present in your life. If so, you might be experiencing any one of the following things that Indian women must know. This article discusses some information that may benefit every woman in the world. However, by the end of this article, you will have insights into why this article is focusing on Indian women. Now, let’s get into the list. 1. Prioritize yourself This may sound like a selfish act, but a woman who prioritizes herself is a sign of growth. She cares about herself, her mental stability and her lifestyle. Saying that, for women who prioritize others, it will be easy for them to shape your emotions for their wish. It can be your parents, friends, or partner, you cannot control the way you love to live. You will always have to make adjustments for them. Especially in India, emotional drama is a habitual thing in almost every home. Isn’t that right? If you are a self-loving person (not a selfish person), you can make decisions of your own and have your taste of freedom in life. It paves the way to achieve your dream, passion and dream life. Although it isn’t simple to overcome other people to make our choices in India, you will find that worth trying in the future. 2. Types of Boys Psychologically, it is said to have 5 types of boys in this world. However, we can categorize almost all boys into three different variations Alpha Beta Sigma Remember that this categorization is equivalent for women too. So, look at the details and ask yourself. Alpha- The Alpha males are basically extroverts, bold and are more appealing in nature. They belong everywhere and are fun to have around. Alpha males are mostly straightforward and good in relationships too. They are good leaders and basically loud at parties. Women mostly seek Alpha males for partners. Beta- Beta males are inclusively nice, affectionate and respectful. Beta males tend to be kind to everyone and more to their loved ones. You should differentiate between being needy and affectionate. Because Beta males are affectionate by nature. They do things in command and most preferable to be an employee as a career. Sigma- Sigma males are wiser than other male types. They look calm and kind enough. However, sigma males don’t speak in a group unless it makes sense and hates arguing. They have their own morals and way of living. Sigma males are good listeners and self-decision makers. Also, they can adapt to any of the circumstances and mostly prefer to have a job as a self-made business or in a leadership career. Indian women must know and analyze themselves and decide which types of males they prefer and have them around as a friend, colleagues, or partners. This would help you to have your growth thriving. 3. Narcissism The term “Narcissism” is the most crucial thing that Indian women should know about. Learning about this topic may widen your perspective of Indian families and societies. NPD (Narcissistic Personality Disorder) is a personality disorder in which people are diagnosed to have high self-esteem and attention-seeking traits. It does not end there, these people are inadequate to have relationships. People with NPD are vastly lurking among people without getting diagnosed. We cannot find them easily, they may be your friend, partner or a family member. The psychology of narcissism – W. Keith Campbell The sad thing is, their high self-esteem will tend to hurt the people around them. They are good at manipulating, gaslighting, abusing (verbally or physically), ghosting, etc. In fact, Narcissists can extremely take over one’s emotions through manipulation and finally, the victims are left traumatized after having a relationship with them. Obviously, most Indian women have no idea about narcissism. To find and avoid interacting with them, one must learn a lot about this personality disorder. So, grasp the knowledge on NPD and avoid the consequences of suffering. 4. Trauma and Abuse Coming to the other pressing fact that Indian women must know. Apart from other countries, Indian people wouldn’t know the term trauma or abuse. This is because it has become a part of the majority of people’s lives. Indians misunderstood the abuse and trauma with fights and hardships. Trauma is a byproduct of continuous exposure to Abuse which a victim had to face. The trauma can affect your mental health as well as physical health. Victims who experienced trauma have a chance of diagnosing PTSD, OCD, BPD, Bipolar disorder, NPD, etc. Women may also face problems in their fertility and periods due to excessive trauma. These consequences can only be avoided by analyzing the situation and acting on it. No one has the right to abuse you for whatever the reasons could be. So, don’t let yourself suffer more as you don’t deserve it. 5. Dysfunctional Family In a household, if you experience constant quarrels, fights, abuse from your family members, then there are high chances for you to be in a dysfunctional family. Members from dysfunctional families believe that it is completely normal to have troubles at all times in a family. On the other hand, a family must provide a peaceful atmosphere. Generations from dysfunctional families would always be in a state of fear for troubles that are about to happen as always. They fear neglect and suffer from trauma from…

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What are the differences between Good Person and Nice Person?

“You’re such a Nice Person”, ever people said this to you before?. Then, you might be a nice person for real. You may be the people’s favorite on every occasion. But unfortunately, being nice has certain flaws in one’s personality compared to a good person. Also, being good has some cons to it. So, to find out Who you are and What you want to be, go through this article in detail.   Many people may think that being good and nice is similar. Both good and Nice people are kind and respectful to others. So, where is the difference between them?. In this article, the difference between a good person and a nice person will be explained. You will also know about the reasons behind them by the end of the article. Usually, nice people have a bigger friend circle. They used to be kind to everyone and would love to offer help/ service without any expectations. They love to be the kind of people who could help everyone. In another case, a good person will have both friends and foes. They won’t do things across the personal restrictions. Good people are kind and respectful of people who give those in return. Find more details of a nice and good person below. Who is a Nice Person? A nice person is someone who wants to be kind and helpful to everyone without any intentions. He/ she will be the one that people seek if they need anything. A nice person would be sycophantic most of the time, which means the person would never say no to anything to earn an acknowledgment. A quick acknowledgment makes this person feel worthy and satisfied. So, people would always prefer nice people to do their job. They wouldn’t say no to anything. Also, they might do the job elegantly for the other’s satisfaction. Thus, Nice people always have a bigger friend circle compared to others. They are more reliable and that’s why people love them. However, there are some things that these people face in day-to-day life as a result of being nice. Let’s look into it further. Faults that Nice people make Nice people love everyone regardless of others’ personalities. They even care for the people who want to hurt others. Nice people believe that they can change everyone with kindness and affection.  In fact, they try to change people and end up getting hurt mostly. Some People never change or feel sorry for their actions. Nice people mostly are ignorant of these facts and finally face the consequences. Nice people are so vulnerable for the following reasons, They put their self-worth in line to change/ help others. They don’t want to accept reality and move on. Lack of boundaries and self-love This is why Nice people always end up struggling and finally start hurting themselves. The effects of these are very impactful. Nice people always let their guard down with everyone. It makes it easier for toxic people to take advantage of you. That doesn’t mean you are a bad person, but you can become better by correcting these traits. Disadvantages of being a Nice Person A Nice Person almost has every trait mentioned above. With these traits, you won’t hurt others mostly. Contrarily, you may end up hurting yourself. You won’t be just a kind person to others, you may also look like a vulnerable, weak, and emotional person from others’ perspectives. So, there are chances of facing these circumstances if you are a nice person, People can easily manipulate you Possibilities of people abusing you physically and mentally You may become a person with low self-worth and self-confidence Becoming stressed if others don’t like you Even though you have a lot of friends, even one of your dear people can make you feel lonely You may end up chasing for people rather than your dreams You may feel entrapped in the existential crisis And so, it is recommended to amend those traits of a nice person and be a better person. So, you should know the difference between a nice person and a good person to find the solutions easier. Thus, you can finally be up for yourself and have your own life. Who is a Good Person? A good person is someone who is a kind and respectful person with impregnable boundaries and solid self-worth. He/ she has morals and dignity in the way they live. Good people always work hard for their dreams and goals. They will support other good people as they have similar morals and thoughts. Good people value their morals and boundaries more than people. They support and listen to others who care for them. Good people do not hate others which is similar to what nice people do. But, a good person ignores a hateful or toxic person. They won’t try to spend their valuable time changing others. Good people can be commonly found with these qualities, Boundaries Ignoring Negativity Mental Stability Aware of the Reality Boundaries A good person won’t even try to alter his boundaries for others. As no one is perfect in this world, every person has some vulnerabilities and insecurities. Toxic people who can get access to those can easily hurt you. Thus, good people have a self-constructed boundary that no people can dare to cross. To know more about the Boundaries of a person visit here  Ignoring Negativity If good people find a toxic personality within someone, they try to ignore them at once. Why deal with the people who are not worth your time?. So, you must learn to ignore toxic people in your life. Mental Stability Good people always prioritize their mental health. Keeping your mental health stable will always reduce stress. Follow some easy ways to reduce stress to a great extent. With mental stability, one can have a presence of mind in his/ her job, passion, and everything. Aware of the reality If you are not able to accept the reality, you won’t…

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steps to reduce your stress

5 Ways to Relieve your Stress (Unique ways)

In this Oppressed world, a kind and hard-working person with only good intentions for others will always have to face certain hardships. Facing those hardships and witnessing cruel people will always test our state of mind. This causes depression, anxiety, and frustration within us. However, we have to face this reality in our daily life. So, remember these 5 ways to relieve your stress effectively.   Stress is always being a hurdle in our daily life. There are many factors that cause stress. The circumstance, work pressure, homecare, people around us, breakups, abuse, etc., are the things we face that breed the stress within us. Usually, people use to prefer the common ways like Listening to music, massage, meditation and spending time with your family to relieve stress. Yeah, that helps too, but not everyone is fond to do these activities on regular basis. Those common ways of stress relief are helpful in a long process. You can spend time with your family to cheer you, but what if the family and friends themselves bring you stress and anxiety? Here are some effective ways that people suggest to you rarely. 5. Stress relieving Satisfying Products This may sound pretty lame, but the effectiveness of satisfying products is great. You can always buy things like stress balls, squishy water beads, jelly slimes, Fluffy foams, Fidget Spinners, water tube toys, ooze tubes, etc. to soothe your mind. This is just a temporary way to reduce your stress quickly. However, there is a huge market for these satisfying products out there. This ensures the effectiveness to reduce stress in people.   If you can’t afford one, watch the satisfying videos online. They are creatively made with high-quality audio. Millions of people tend to watch these in recent times. Here are some recommended YouTube channels that provide satisfying content. Oddly Satisfying Satisfying World CSM Relaxing You can also rely on satisfying food videos on YouTube. They are cool to watch. Even if you are not fond of cooking, watching these videos is surely satisfying. Many people eat a lot during stressful times. These kinds of videos are perfect for them. Make sure to look at these mentioned channels. albert_cancook acooknamedMatt CZN Burak 4. Having a Pet Know this reason before having a Pet Having a pet will be the basic suggestible thing for everyone to relieve stress. But know this reason before having a pet. Every human is different, you cannot find a person who is always there for you when you need. It is not possible; everyone is having a life of their own. Importantly, almost every human has a face to act, they show a different face whenever they needed us. On other hand, having a pet like a dog and cats are the ultimate stress relievers. Especially, dogs are wonderful beings that are said to relieve human stress drastically. They care for us, be available any time, and love us unconditionally. If you cannot afford a pet, be allergic to their furs or do not have enough space in your home, It’s okay. You can always find pets in your neighborhood, friends and family houses. If you cannot visit them, find a stray dog in your locality. Helping stray dogs are a great thing and anyone can do it. So, do not give a second thought and do interact with pets often. Once you have started this, you will easily become familiar with pets even if you were afraid of them in the past. 3. Accepting the reality This is the hardest and one of the most effective ways to relieve your stress. Good people always get hurt if they do not accept reality. They should accept the reality of people and move on eventually. But contrarily, they just don’t want to give up and try to change the people desperately. This closes them with a cycle of getting hurt again and again. Giving up and accepting reality is a different concept. Some people never wanted to change even how hard we try. Instead, they will start hurting you back. Obsessing ob these people will always cause depression and stress. So, get a step back and accept the way people are. Value your own time rather than stressing for them. People are in their senses while they are hurting you. So, if they wanted, they would have changed. Accepting reality and moving on will give you an ultimate inner strength. It will be the starting point for acknowledging yourself. Once you start loving yourself and appreciate self-care, the stress will start to fade away. 2. Vent it Out Believe it or not, sharing the hardships and sadness with others is a great stress reliever than holding something in mind for long. The biggest weight you carry on your shoulders will lessen if you share. It is not about people caring about your feelings or not, it is to free your mind. Many people desperately want people to just hear them. You do not need solutions, advice or therapy. You may just want to dump the stress loads somewhere. Before that, there are things to remember before you vent it out to somebody. Never vent to a person who criticizes or laughs at you, whether in a friendly or sarcastic way. Don’t express to persons who barge with their side of the story without lending you an ear. Do not express emotions to someone who always tends to advise you. Always vent to a person who has a good listening capability. They should be calm, trustworthy and should not judge you by your feelings. The person can be anyone, your friends, family, colleagues, workmates or even a Stranger. If you don’t feel comfortable sharing your insecurities with people you have known, you can always prefer a stranger you have never met. Advantages of Venting to a stranger They will hear from you without any person of interest. A stranger has no authority to judge you They cannot hurt you with your…

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