What happens on Ignoring a Narcissist?
Narcissists generally don’t like being ignored, as it stifles their desire for constant validation and control.They might react with anger, or attempt to gain their attention or pursue revenge. It is therefore crucial to handle these situations with caution and a sense of support There’s nothing that the person who is a narcissist would rather than be ignored. If you do not take care of a narcissist you run the risk of a likelihood that they become angry. Now, the question is “What occurs when you do not pay attention to an Narcissist? And how is it going affect your life?”. We will go through this article to find out more about this. What is the impact on you? What does Ignoring mean to a Narcissist? Narcissists thrive on a continuous flow of admiration and attention from other people, commonly described as their “narcissistic supply.’ This is vital to maintain their self-esteem and conceal their deep-seated fears. Each compliment, each acknowledgment and every affirmation boosts their self-image. If this attention is cut off, narcissists experience a deep loss, similar to physical loss. The loss of attention could trigger a variety of responses that originate in their need to replenish their narcissistic quota. This is akin to stopping the endless fake drama. The act of ignoring a narcissist could cause intense reactions, such as anger, manipulation and self-destruction if their need for attention is not fulfilled. On the contrary, You should also know Why Narcissists Ignore you? Is Ignoring the right way to get away from the narcissist? A narcissist might be able to sabotage others’ feelings and their self-worth. So, ignoring the narcissist as a sense of revenge could cause you to be just as selfish as the people around you and bring more troubles from the narcissist. Follow the no-contact rule, and then walk away from them. Neglecting a narcissist is an effective way of getting away from their manipulation and lessening their influence upon your personal life. This is known as”the “gray rock” method. By minimizing emotional responses and keeping a neutral, non-interesting appearance, you decrease the narcissist’s desire to interact with you. You should Read: Best Things That Happens After Leaving the Narcissist How Narcissists will React being Ignored? Narcissists usually react negatively to being ignored since it challenges their self-esteem and their constant need for admiration and attention from you. They can become angry, irritable or even rageful and they might try to get your attention by different methods, including guilt-tripping or pleading, or making threats. In some instances, they might even shout at you physically or verbally. When you ignore a narcissist, The narcissist doesn’t want to let you move on, so, he/she might assume that you have figured out them for who they are. Hence you can expect the reaction to be exactly similar when you know about narcissist and their narcissistic tendencies. Let’s see what are the best chances of how narcissists will react to being ignored. 1. Ghosting you Back Narcissists are like if the first method doesn’t work but the second one does, then the first will work. Ghosting is a method of treatment that is a devious tactic to assert control and create emotional stress. By not addressing them, they cause feelings of confusion and self-doubt, causing you to think you are the culprit. However, their behavior of ghosting is a sign of their ability to deal with rejection and is a desperate effort to preserve their status. 2. Stalk Forever The act of ignoring a narcissist may appear to be a way of putting a stop to the destructive narcissistic bond however, in their eyes, this is the beginning of an ominous obsession. Once you’ve cut off their control and attention then they’ll begin to stalk you as their first step. Stalking can be used as a way to assert their authority over you and control your feelings. They’ll inform you that they’re stalking you, which implies that they’re the victim of your behavior. This can trigger guilt and pull you back to the abusive bond once more by removing them. 3. Contact your loved ones Narcissists can’t resist looking at you and observing your actions. By ignoring them, they are not receiving enough narc supply. Moving on isn’t in their vocabulary. Therefore, they attempt to contact your closest relatives and friends. They gain access, such as gaining sympathies, spreading false stories and even creating a rift in between yourself and family members. Therefore, surround yourself with a community that understands and respects your boundaries, which will allow your body to recover and gain control over your life. 4. Send Flying Monkeys and enablers If their efforts to distract you and draw your attention fail then they will send other people named “Flying monkeys” and ” Narcissist Enablers“. These are people whom the narcissist has enlisted to perform their own bidding and to attack you on their behalf. When they realize that their control over you is declining due to blockage and they are able to deploy the flying monkeys to intimidate you, guilt-trip or press you to take back the drugs from you. They could be relatives, friends or acquaintances who are who are misled by the narcissist’s delusional story of the events. The flying monkeys could also be innocent, however, it is better to avoid anyone who tries to convince you to return to the person who is a narcissist. Also read, Reaction of Narcissists when blocked 5. Apologize for sake If there’s no way to reach, they understand that an apology will bring you back under control. But, the apology is typically untrue and does not show genuine regret. Their main goal is not to be accountable for their actions, but rather to manipulate them and gain power over their victims. Insincere apology statements are a part of their elaborate strategy to lure you back to their web of manipulation. They may play up their charm and appear modest, making…