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Questions for theists

8 Questions you can ask a theist without getting into an argument

You may become an atheist for various reasons. One, you might go through a lot and you might conclude that God isn’t real. Also, you might not be interested in religious beliefs or any other factors that made you into an atheist. With this absolute certainty of denial of God, atheists always get excited to question theists or God believers.   So, here are a few questions you could ask theists without getting into an argument. This article also answers the questions from certain perspectives. Even if you are a theist who needs answers to questions that keep you awake at night, this article may be for you.   It is always good to share opinions with people, it develops knowledge and wisdom on the matter of the subject. However, when sharing opinions, if it turns into an argument or quarrel, it is always unhealthy. Especially while sharing knowledge through questioning one’s beliefs, people could be vulnerable and may pull you into an argument. Here are a few questions to ask a theist that might not draw you into a quarrel. While asking, make sure your approach is polite and willing to learn things from them. During this conversation, there are possibilities of theists questioning you about the perspectives of atheists as well. In case, if you need any clarification or to share your point of view, feel free to comment below.   1. Do theists think atheists hate God?   Starting with the lenient question to ask a theist, many theists do believe that atheists hate God. Few theists who had got into an argument with an atheist before would surely say that the atheists hate God. This is because some atheists desperately want to break the beliefs of others. Some theists know the fact that a good atheist just denies the existence of any omnipotent life and consider the beliefs as myths. Anyhow, some theists claim that atheists’ disbelief in anything is the root of their hatred for God. However, as the well-known spiritual guru, Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev says, “Both atheists and theists believe in something they do not know” Atheists and theists are the same kind of people, pretending to be different. Both of them believe something they do not know. #SadhguruQuotes — Sadhguru (@SadhguruJV) May 28, 2019   2. Why do rituals matter to Theists?   Rituals are the way of worshipping God in the form of activities, repeated mantras, postures, etc. Apart from a simple way of praying to God, the religious people believe that rituals get them further closer to God. Additionally, theists believe that the rituals teach us how, why and the discipline to pray to God. Thus, rituals are indeed valued by the religious people.   In addition to that, rituals give religious people confidence that God will take care of them hearing their valuable wishes. So, it helps them to move on with their life confidently.   3. Can God answer for the deaths of innocents?   This is the question to ask a theist that every atheist is longing for. As religions would say, the Gods are the protectors and inspirers for humans. Then, “why would he let innocent people, kids, animals die?” will be the question from the atheist side. According to religious beliefs, God doesn’t have a concern or take responsibility for people’s death. God remains detached from humans and functions the vastly spread universe. The creator acts as a nature that functions detached from human beings or other lives. So, the death or calamity that happens in this world is uncontrollable and inevitable. You can resemble this from the sayings of Lord Vishnu from Bhagavad Gita While resorting to Prakriti, “Nature is my own power I send forth, again and again, These multitudes of beings that do not have freedom, Owing to Nature’s sway over them, These activities do not bind me in any way because I remain detached and unconcerned in their midst”   4. Why do theists care about the afterlife?   On the point of myths that were created for good, the myth of the afterlife may be created for the people who feared death and were obsessed with living forever. On the other hand, the belief in the afterlife holds the people to not go in a wrong way and it guides them to do good in regards to getting into a good afterlife, say heaven. People always seek results for their actions in their life, only a very few care for others without expecting anything in return. To acknowledge such people and their good deeds, heaven is created. Hell is created for the people who interact with malicious actions that hurt others. These are the reasons why theists care and give more attention to the afterlife more.   5. Why do bad people have luxurious life than good ones?   Evil and corrupted bad people do not have a luxurious life, they pretend to have them. In other words, bad people’s life is full of facade and drama. They gain all this wealth and power only to gain control over others. At last, they wouldn’t have the fruit of luxury even if they had everything. For instance, according to the bible Mark 7:21-22 “For from within, out of the heart of man, come evil thoughts, sexual immorality, theft, murder, adultery, coveting, wickedness, deceit, sensuality, envy, slander, pride, foolishness.” This defines evil people. They are filled with desires and are soulless. They desire to get something with their power but never get satisfied. Their hollow minds will never get filled even if they possess everything.  So, as the quote from the bible forthrightly mentioned in Isaiah 48:22 that, “There is no peace,” says the Lord, “for the wicked.”   6. Why can’t God exterminate evil?   If God is an omnipotent who have the power to create and destroy, then why can’t he just vanish the evil from its existence? If God can’t, does that mean that evil is superior to God?…

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Confront atheists with questions

9 Questions you should ask an atheist without provoking

Nowadays, atheists often confront theists with facts, scientific explanations, and theories. Their complete disapproval of the existence of God may sometimes make sense. But, theists have their perspectives on God through the sayings from religions. So, when theists try to reason with an atheist, a quarrel begins. Often you can find atheists get rough with theists.   This is because most atheists possess high esteem of their intellectual for being an atheist. So, this is the time for theists to ask an atheist with reasonable questions that can never get you into a fight.   You can find various types of personalities in a group, they may be either good or bad. You can always find both types of people everywhere. This applies to theists and atheists too. There are toxic people in both who try to force their consent on other people. So, it’s better to avoid asking an atheist with a toxic personality. In the case of theists, some people used to force religion and beliefs on others. Sometimes, they use the people’s vulnerability to change them to their side of religion. On the other hand, some atheists pretend to have higher intelligence than any other humans. They imagine that denial of God’s existence makes them superior, which is not. Understanding this toxic side, you should control yourself from provoking with them. Ask the questions that are mentioned in this article to people who can always have a healthy conversation with others. Be ready to hear questions from atheists too. In such a way, we could know others’ points of view. Also, feel free to mention the questions you have in the comments. 1. What do atheists think about unanswered questions? Atheists simply try to answer these questions by saying “either unanswered questions will be answered later or it must be just a coincidence”. But it isn’t possible to determine everything as a coincidence, right? For instance, in this vastly spread universe and solar system, why would earth alone have the atmosphere opt for living beings? In the countless number of living beings, as science says, just one species has evolved to have 6 senses. Like this, we can dump more examples to question the coincidence. 2. Why do atheists choose to be an atheist? The majority of atheists choose to not believe in God for two main reasons. Due to bad experiences in the past that made them give up on God’s existence. Acknowledging the scientific facts and accepting them. Following the trend of being an atheist makes them intellectual So, if you come across people who say being an atheist is what makes them intellectual, it is probably time to end that conversation right away. They only want to show off their decision for being an atheist to others without any particular reason. Maybe, if such people experience something bad in their life, they would either pray to God or blame God for that. A true atheist would never blame God, they would accept the reality as the way it was as they don’t believe in God bringing them goods or misfortune. 3. Do atheists read religious books before becoming atheists? Mostly not, atheists are mostly demotivated to read religious books. They may not know what these books are up to or consider reading them a waste of time. The religious books are written in a way how the world works and to teach life morals. Sometimes, they are interpreted as stories. In an exceptional case, some people do read these books and understand things from a different perspective and choose to be an atheist. Being a theist and atheist is one’s own choice through their perspectives. No one can object to that. 4. If atheists don’t consider the afterlife in hell, would they do whatever they want? In fact, it is what atheists want. The freedom of not binding into some religious beliefs and fear them. On the negative side, this could lead people to choose the wrong path and hurt people consciously. However, a well-acknowledged atheist is bound with good morals and life ethics as most atheists do. They know that’s the way to have a happy life. Being empathetic, caring for others, following morals, setting boundaries, etc., are the basic qualities every human must-have. 5. Do atheists hate God? This is the question to ask an atheist to easily identify their intention for being an atheist. If they say “No” and continue to say “I don’t believe in god in the first place”, he must be an atheist with reason. However, if “yes” was an answer, they must be bragging about being an atheist with no reason at all. A good atheist would never believe in an omnipotent who can control their lives. 6. Do atheists have spirituality as theists? Of course, atheists possess spirituality, emotions, and morals as theists do. Also, they are good at helping others, understanding people’s feelings, etc. They have the freedom to choose for what they are. In denying both God and Evil’s existence, they don’t show any resistance in coming forward to help others. Atheists believe in humanity more than the existence of God. 7. What triggers atheists to provoke theists? Atheists really get triggered when theists force people to follow their religion and regulations. Mainly when normal people are forced into superstitious beliefs and rituals, atheists do want to question them. In India, the cultural beliefs followed by them are affecting people especially women. A century before, most widows of India were killed in the name of culture. Till now, the majority of these practices are followed in the name of culture and religion. The inability to question these by other theists triggers the atheists often. 8. Do atheists appreciate religious beliefs? Atheists always tend to appreciate others’ religious beliefs and culture only if those beliefs favor the human community. When such practices get out of hand to harm or force others to their beliefs, they choose not to appreciate them. 9. Why do atheists…

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Banner of atheist and theist- who have better life

Atheists and Theists – Who has a meaningful life?

Humans are independent and have the freedom to make their own choices in their life. The way you want to live and pursue your goals are meant to be decided by yourself. This also applies in determining your personality, habits, beliefs, etc. Coming to beliefs, some people believe in God’s existence, and others don’t. They are known to be atheists and theists. Certain people have different statements or perspectives for beliefs such as agnostics and Gnostics people. However, let’s see about the majorities i.e., atheists and theists, and their way of life.   Theists are also known as God believers who completely accept the existence of God. They worship, praise, and live under the morals that God proposed. Theists are not just Christians, people who believe in God from any religious background would fit in. On the other hand, atheists do not believe in God and tend to state the conspiracies scientifically. Atheists believe in the evolution of humanity and view religion as a myth or a fantasy that evolved during that. The irrelevancies between the atheists and theists themselves differ in their way of living. Anyways, every person has to co-exist in this world to survive, grow and achieve even though the ideology differs. What is the population of Atheists and Theists? As per certain research, the population of atheists has begun to grow for the past decade. 10% of adults in the United States claimed to be atheists whereas 1 in five people does not believe in God from the US. In Europe, the stats are little escalated and is noted as over 15% of people are atheists. To ensure this, a simple quick poll on Instagram was conducted by this website gives a peculiar result. From the people of South Asia aged from 18 – 28, with more than 200 votes, the poll ended with a fractional difference. This proves that there is a potential increase of atheists in society. There is both yin and yang of being an atheist and theist, however, there must be some hidden reason for this considerable growth of atheists compared to theists. So, let’s look into what advantages that people could see being atheists and theists What does a good life mean for theists? Theists believe that God is the ultimate creator of this world. “Humanity emerged from the birth of Adam and Eve”, stated Christians. This does not mean that theists never believe in science, they do, but never refuse God’s existence. According to theists, a good life must be filled with harmony, kindness, and spirituality. Being a humble person to the superior God is the way to attain spirituality. In most cases, theists spend their time doing rituals and worshipping God. Believers thank the superior for this life and also ask for favor believing the god could help them. Theists believe that God has three main functions (duties) in this universe. Based on the Hindu beliefs, the authority of the god is to create beings, protect and destroy. The creator Brahma, the protector Vishnu, and the destroyer Shiva. This itself may raise many questions among atheists. For example, if he destroys life, God must be evil, isn’t it? Anyways, theists have their way of explanation for literally everything. What are the benefits of being a Theist? The benefits you could attain from being a theist are Spiritual power, hope, and Accepting reality. You can attain these qualities being an atheist too, but it is easy to develop these personalities within believers. Why are theists more spiritual? The God believers tend to be more spiritual as they believe in another force that always protects them. This creates an optimistic view within them that drives them to approach life confidently. The spiritual beliefs such as the “god watches us all” keep them disciplined and have good morals. The theists used to spiritually heal quicker from the problems naturally. Cons: On the contrary, some people are toxic and hurt people who are theists. They claim to be religious to catalog their traits in society. Such personalities do not have the spirituality to live a good life. These personas must be filtered not only by the theist but everyone. Why are theists hopeful? Whatever the circumstances, the majority of the theists tend to be buoyant in life. They are propitious as they have a high sense of hope. It looks like they stick to the phrase “Jesus saves you” and face life. When a bad thing happens, theists believe in “where there is shadow, there is light”. This generates the hope to strive subsequently to believe for the good in the future. Cons: On other hand, theists fall right into superstitious beliefs in search of hope. They do superstitious rituals to attain good things quicker. Hope or any good things cannot be attained externally. Believing in good and working hard for that gives the result. Why are theists good at accepting reality? Theists accept every happening in the surroundings as the actions of God. They believe in karma which will repay the people who hurt them. The belief of karma itself helps them to accept reality and heal with the help of spiritual personality. Believers accept that the actions of God have specific reasons behind them as the Lord Vishnu sayings,  “Everything that happened is good, Things that are happening is good, and Things that are about to happen is also good” Cons: Accepting reality is always good when you learn and change from it. Else, sticking to the actions that hurt you or others will always bring the same results. What does a good life mean for atheists? Atheists see things from a scientific perspective. Even though there are instances that haven’t been proved, they resist believing in omnipotent and decide to wait for scientific answers. Atheists expect their life to be prosperous with freedom and happiness. They refuse to believe that their life is being governed and guided by omnipotent. Although atheists do not show interest in such beliefs, they…

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