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11 Dysfunctional Things in a Narcissistic Family

Picture a family where one or more member dominates and controls everyone else, using emotional abuse, manipulation, and gaslighting tactics to maintain power and control. This is the reality for many individuals raised in a dysfunctional narcissistic family. Just think about how a child grows under such circumstances.  Children of narcissistic parents may be subjected to emotional abuse, neglect, or even physical abuse. They may also be held to unrealistic standards or made to feel responsible for the emotional well-being of their parent. In this article, we will explore some of the key facts about narcissistic families.   Why Narcissistic Families are toxic? Narcissistic families tend to be toxic because they are built around the narcissist’s need for control, validation, and admiration. This results in a family dynamic dysfunctional and may engage in a variety of abusive or neglectful behaviors, while other family members may become enablers or codependents, perpetuating the toxic cycle.  This can lead to long-lasting emotional scars and a sense of isolation and powerlessness for those trapped in the narcissistic family system.   Before getting into the article, we want you to know this platform is created with the motive that you can vent out your emotions through the comment section of the articles you relate to. You can either comment and respond to the people you relate to and also register with Udante if you want to have a private and friendly conversation with us for free.   Dysfunctionalities in a Narcissistic Family Dysfunctionalities in a narcissistic family can include emotional abuse, manipulation, and a lack of healthy boundaries affecting the family members. The resulting family environment is often marked by a lack of trust, emotional instability, and a sense of isolation and powerlessness for those trapped in the system.  The dysfunction in narcissistic families can have a profound impact on the well-being of everyone involved, perpetuating cycles of trauma and abuse across generations. The followings are some of the common and too impacting dysfunctionalities in a narcissistic family.   Lack of emotional bonding Narcissistic families are characterized by a lack of emotional bonding, empathy, and genuine concern for one another. Members of these families often feel isolated and alone. Furthermore, narcissistic parents may treat their children as extensions of themselves rather than as individuals with their own thoughts, feelings, and desires. This leaves children feeling unseen, unheard, and unimportant, leading to issues with self-worth and self-esteem. Overall, a lack of emotional bonding in narcissistic families leads to long-term impacts on children’s mental health and well-being, and it affects their ability to form healthy relationships in the future.   Focus on maintaining the family image The primary focus in narcissistic families is on Maintaining the family image. It is important for narcissists to increase their own sense of self-worth, protect themselves from shame and criticism, and control how others perceive them and their families. Some of their actions on their families are Have a burning desire for admiration and validation from others. They may receive the admiration and validation they strive for by projecting a positive image of their family to the outside world Often the fear of being seen as flawed or imperfect triggers feelings of shame and insecurity. By presenting a perfect image of their family, they avoid feeling shame or embarrassment. By maintaining the family image, they have strong control over how others perceive them and their family, as well as ensure that family members behave in ways that reflect well on the family. Make members of the family present a facade of perfection to the outside world, even if things are far from perfect at home.                                                                                                 Children are seen as extensions of the parent Children in narcissistic families are usually understood as extensions of their parents. Narcissistic parents see their children as a means of validating their own self-worth and meeting their own needs for attention, admiration, or control. They expect their children to excel in areas that they value or their unfulfilled dreams and aspirations. This leads to a child choosing to believe that they are only valued for what they can do or achieve, rather than for who they are as individuals. They may feel pressured to meet their parents’ expectations, regardless of their own interests, needs, or desires. As a result, children in narcissistic families may struggle with developing a healthy sense of self and may experience feelings of shame, guilt, or unworthiness.   Children are objectified In narcissistic families, children are often objectified by their parents or other family members. Objectification is when a person is treated as an object or a thing, rather than as an individual with feelings, needs, and desires.  The child’s own desires, feelings, and needs may be ignored or dismissed. This incredibly damages a child’s emotional and psychological well-being. In some cases, narcissistic parents may sexualize or treat their children inappropriately. Making sexual comments or jokes, exposing their children to sexual content, or even engaging in sexual behavior with their children are all examples of this. For a child, this type of objectification can be extremely damaging and traumatic.   Emotional manipulation, gaslighting, and guilt Narcissistic family members may use emotional manipulation tactics such as guilt-tripping, shaming, or threatening to control and manipulate the emotions and behaviors of their family members, leaving the victims feeling powerless and confused. The narcissists may use gaslighting to actively distort or deny reality to make their family members doubt their own perceptions and experiences, which can lead to the victim feeling confused, anxious, and doubting their own sanity. Narcissistic individuals may use guilt to manipulate and control their family members, making them feel responsible for the narcissist’s emotions or actions, leading to constant feelings of burden and responsibility, even when the victim has done nothing wrong.   Punishment for expressing opinions, emotions, or desires It is not uncommon for family members to be punished or face negative consequences for expressing their opinions, emotions, or desires.  Using tactics such as silencing, shaming, or ridiculing, leads the victim to…

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21 New Year Resolutions that make you a better person in 2022

A New year’s resolution is the goals, dreams, habits, and relationships that you fix at the beginning of the year to achieve by the end of the year. It can be either one or more resolutions, yet it will always be the one to make yourself better than the previous year. So, why not stick to it sincerely?   People always look for creative and unique new year resolutions to try on every year. However, they mostly end up having a fitness goal and fail in it. Wasn’t that funny? You want yourself to be better but couldn’t achieve it. This is because changes cannot happen quickly, it takes time and patience.   Firstly, you must understand that you have a year. Despite that, if you push yourself hard on your first day, you are going to lose interest quicker. You must start anything from a bare minimum, practice daily, improve constantly and reach your target. Even if you did not achieve to the fullest, the result of your new year resolution’s intention will satisfy you. The best thing about these new year resolutions is that they make you change in a year for good. It may be your appearance, physical health, mental health, achievements, etc. Changes are always good if the intentions are good. Thus, achieving these changes directly changes your personality for good too. So, here are some unique and common new year resolutions that will make you into a better person for next year. Read it and comment on what your new year’s resolutions are for this year. 1. Stop Regretting If you fail at something before and you wish you had done that differently, then you will regret that situation. Regretting catches your soul at that instance and does not allow you to grow further. So, instead of regretting such situations, try to understand what you have learned from them. Try to avoid those mistakes again and move on to face the future ahead.   2. Show Empathy Empathy is the ability to care for others by understanding their emotions. Any random act of kindness to someone, dogs, or anything will develop your empathy. Start using comforting words, help people economically, buy food or anything that shows your care for others this year. 3. Avoid Dramas To have mental stability this year, do not create a drama to get validation or kindly avoid intaking the dramas of others. Dramas make you overreact and overthink situations. If you ingest others’ drama, you will start comparing your situations and their consequences with theirs. Thus, your mental stability will break. 4. Do not Procrastinate Procrastinating work shouldn’t be the one trait for you this year. Yes, it is a personality trait. According to research done by the Institute of Research and Journals, procrastinating things is a sign of lacking conscientiousness. Since, no one procrastinates things actively, i.e., shifting things to do better things, it always ends up slowing you down. When procrastination becomes a habit, your life will lag behind. 5. No more Gossips Gossips can be truly hurtful. For people who ask, how can gossip be harmful? Gossips contain either a fact or a fake about a situation that triggers people. If the information came to be false, the victim may suffer the greatest. The victim may be you or others whose information is passed out through gossip. Once someone is affected by gossips, both their reputation and trust in others might get demolished So, if you find any information is misleading, choose not to forward others. 6. Socialize more People have adapted themselves into an introvert after the past pandemic times. As the situation changes, people are struggling to become extroverts. Studies show that introverts are depressed and are less happy. Meanwhile, extroverts are much joyful in their life. To socialize, try to feel less awkward talking to others, try to present your point of view in a conversation, and mix decent humor in it. Socializing helps to understand people’s thoughts and emotions. If you are depressed and stressing over something, socializing with people you trust and venting to them can greatly help to reduce your stress 7. Apologize for your mistakes From this year onwards, try to apologize for every mistake you make that hurts others. Do not try to hide those mistakes by ignoring or lying about them. It will ruin your righteous personality as you will start to ask for validation from others for reasoning your mistakes. Instead, accept your mistakes and say sorry, whoever it may be. Doing this will develop trust and mostly would not ruin a friendship. 8. Stopping pleading to Others In any case, if you are being accused of a mistake you have never done, do not apologize for it. Even if the accuser is the person, you love the most, apologizing for nothing degrades your self-confidence and Self-love. Also, never please anyone for nothing. If a person makes you plead, they don’t love you. Pleading others will pave out the opportunity for people to take control over you. 9. Focusing on Goals instead of persons. People who are obsessed with gaining friends and relationships tend to move slower in their goal pursuit. So, focus on your dream or career more. Gather people who also support your dreams and have a goal for themselves. In this way, you can have both growth and people at the same time along with them. 10. Acknowledging yourself This is a crucial resolution that everyone must take in this new year. If you are a hardworking person, a quick acknowledgment from anybody will always motivate you. But very few acknowledge others’ hard work. This might hurt us, minimize our willpower, and confidence to strive more but keep in mind that you work hard for your life. The first person who acknowledges you must be yourself. It just does not end with hard work alone, constantly keep acknowledging yourself when you help others, give kind words, achieve a little goal, or for any small thing…

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Indian omen must know

Important factors that Indian women must know

Women of India are majorly affected on a daily basis. It may be due to superstitious cultural restriction, women inequality, safety, education or whatsoever. In the amidst, Indian women also lose their mental stability due to countless reasons. There are certain things people do not want Indian women to know. So, they could gain control over women round-the-clock. But, if you know these 8 things, you could save sanity and mental peace for yourself.   Have you ever got stressed so much?. Even if you find ways to reduce your stress, are you bombarded with stress again and again by any means?. It feels like anxiety and depression were always present in your life. If so, you might be experiencing any one of the following things that Indian women must know. This article discusses some information that may benefit every woman in the world. However, by the end of this article, you will have insights into why this article is focusing on Indian women. Now, let’s get into the list. 1. Prioritize yourself This may sound like a selfish act, but a woman who prioritizes herself is a sign of growth. She cares about herself, her mental stability and her lifestyle. Saying that, for women who prioritize others, it will be easy for them to shape your emotions for their wish. It can be your parents, friends, or partner, you cannot control the way you love to live. You will always have to make adjustments for them. Especially in India, emotional drama is a habitual thing in almost every home. Isn’t that right? If you are a self-loving person (not a selfish person), you can make decisions of your own and have your taste of freedom in life. It paves the way to achieve your dream, passion and dream life. Although it isn’t simple to overcome other people to make our choices in India, you will find that worth trying in the future. 2. Types of Boys Psychologically, it is said to have 5 types of boys in this world. However, we can categorize almost all boys into three different variations Alpha Beta Sigma Remember that this categorization is equivalent for women too. So, look at the details and ask yourself. Alpha- The Alpha males are basically extroverts, bold and are more appealing in nature. They belong everywhere and are fun to have around. Alpha males are mostly straightforward and good in relationships too. They are good leaders and basically loud at parties. Women mostly seek Alpha males for partners. Beta- Beta males are inclusively nice, affectionate and respectful. Beta males tend to be kind to everyone and more to their loved ones. You should differentiate between being needy and affectionate. Because Beta males are affectionate by nature. They do things in command and most preferable to be an employee as a career. Sigma- Sigma males are wiser than other male types. They look calm and kind enough. However, sigma males don’t speak in a group unless it makes sense and hates arguing. They have their own morals and way of living. Sigma males are good listeners and self-decision makers. Also, they can adapt to any of the circumstances and mostly prefer to have a job as a self-made business or in a leadership career. Indian women must know and analyze themselves and decide which types of males they prefer and have them around as a friend, colleagues, or partners. This would help you to have your growth thriving. 3. Narcissism The term “Narcissism” is the most crucial thing that Indian women should know about. Learning about this topic may widen your perspective of Indian families and societies. NPD (Narcissistic Personality Disorder) is a personality disorder in which people are diagnosed to have high self-esteem and attention-seeking traits. It does not end there, these people are inadequate to have relationships. People with NPD are vastly lurking among people without getting diagnosed. We cannot find them easily, they may be your friend, partner or a family member. The psychology of narcissism – W. Keith Campbell The sad thing is, their high self-esteem will tend to hurt the people around them. They are good at manipulating, gaslighting, abusing (verbally or physically), ghosting, etc. In fact, Narcissists can extremely take over one’s emotions through manipulation and finally, the victims are left traumatized after having a relationship with them. Obviously, most Indian women have no idea about narcissism. To find and avoid interacting with them, one must learn a lot about this personality disorder. So, grasp the knowledge on NPD and avoid the consequences of suffering. 4. Trauma and Abuse Coming to the other pressing fact that Indian women must know. Apart from other countries, Indian people wouldn’t know the term trauma or abuse. This is because it has become a part of the majority of people’s lives. Indians misunderstood the abuse and trauma with fights and hardships. Trauma is a byproduct of continuous exposure to Abuse which a victim had to face. The trauma can affect your mental health as well as physical health. Victims who experienced trauma have a chance of diagnosing PTSD, OCD, BPD, Bipolar disorder, NPD, etc. Women may also face problems in their fertility and periods due to excessive trauma. These consequences can only be avoided by analyzing the situation and acting on it. No one has the right to abuse you for whatever the reasons could be. So, don’t let yourself suffer more as you don’t deserve it. 5. Dysfunctional Family In a household, if you experience constant quarrels, fights, abuse from your family members, then there are high chances for you to be in a dysfunctional family. Members from dysfunctional families believe that it is completely normal to have troubles at all times in a family. On the other hand, a family must provide a peaceful atmosphere. Generations from dysfunctional families would always be in a state of fear for troubles that are about to happen as always. They fear neglect and suffer from trauma from…

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